Thursday, November 24, 2011



I know political correctness requires that we only say nice things about Israel but as of today it's OK to call Benjamin Netanyahu a sonofabitch. It's not Anti-Semitic, it's pro-American. That weirdo made a speech in the kneseet in which he said Arabs aren't smart enough to create democracies and President Obama doesn’t understand reality or history. He's angry because we didn't go to war to defend Hosni Mubarak's totalitarian regime in Egypt and he said the Arab Spring is anti-democratic, anti-Western, and, oh yes, anti-Israel. If you call Arabs stupid it is sort of to be expected they wouldn't like you much either.

In his speech, Netanyahu said one very smart thing: “Reality is changing, and if you don't see it your head is buried in the sand.” I imagine he had to blow his nose after saying that to get the sand out. What that Tea Party-ish head of state seems unable to understand is that the world he lived in when he was in college at MIT really has changed. Thanks to the current administration, our foreign policy no longer puts the interests of Israel above the interests of the U.S. Obama's Cairo speech made it clear that a new era of relationship with the Arab world had begun. That speech was one of the triggers of the Arab Spring and as today's demonstrations in Cairo prove, Egyptians won't rest until they have a true democracy.

Young David slew Goliath with a stone but, to paraphrase Senator Benson, Netayaho is no David, even though an atom bomb can do more damage than David's rock. Peace will come to the Mid-East, though probably not while Benny Netanyahu is running, and ruining, Israel. It's high time to reexamine our gifts to his government.

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