Thursday, January 5, 2012



OK, I've had all the Iowa I can tolerate and he who wins in New Hampshire has a really good chance of winning in Maine, period, so let's explore the world of “progressive” whiners. The blogs were full of them this morning. Most concentrated on Obama's “failures” and how things you've never heard of can cost him the election. Among the latter was the story of the government's deportation of an African-American teenage runaway to Colombia. It was a truly stupid thing ICE did, but I betcha Obama didn't actually, personally, willfully issue the order to deport her and the blog's insistence that the case will hurt him with Hispanic voters gets my Most Stupid Thing of the Day award.

But the Where Do You Get That Crap? award goes to usually smart Truthdig In one article, the writer (no byline) characterizes the president's efforts to reign in Wall Street as “tepid.” And that ran the day after Obama had made the recess appointment to head the Consumer Protection Agency and added three new member to the National Labor Relations Board. And, to make sure they garnered the above named WDYGTC award the piece was titled, “Arms Dealer Obama Will Win by Default.” Arms dealer? I guess they slapped that insult on him for allowing Israel and Saudi Arabia to buy guns and planes from American firms.

It often seems like these self-appointed “liberal” gurus are trying to out fox Fox. One of them accused Obama of acting like he thought he was “King” for making recess appointments when Congress was pretending not to be on recess by holding 45 second daily meetings, and another asserted that he was being kind to Wall Street because it had bought him his 2008 win. The teachers who had these dolts as students must be damned embarrassed. Somehow they graduated without understanding that we have three branches of government and two political parties. The rest of us remember that it was the Supreme Court that gave Wall Street unlimited power to buy elections and the Republicans in the House and Senate who tried to tie Obama's hands so he couldn't protect consumers.

So my advice is, ignore the “liberal” blogs and go straight to Fox News to catch up on the latest attacks on Obama.

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