Tuesday, January 17, 2012



The battle for the Republican presidential nomination often triggers memories of lines from the opening of Longfellow's classic Evangeline: “The deep voice neighboring ocean speaks, and in accents disconsolate answers the wail of the forest.” Or Shakespeare's lines: “Full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.” They talk and talk but I don't learn much.

As much as Romney tries to maintain his performance as a patient teacher confronting of a bunch of ill behaved loud children, he comes across more as the crossing guard holding a Stop sign as the students run back and forth across the street yelling insults at him. Soon, I've no doubt, the class will come to order and proceed to the playground where the game of kick ball will be played. .The final score of that game will be determined by voters who will be forced to chose between Washington and Wall Street. It is, at present, unclear whether Americans dislike Robber Barrons or “bureaucrats” more, and whom the poor, unemployed, and underpaid will blame for the sorry state of the economy. The GOP shouts that the mob should just go get a job, but to paraphrase Patrick Henry, they may cry jobs, jobs, but there are no jobs. .

And, of course, there lurks the ugly possibility that before November 6 events may conspire to make threats to our national security the overriding issue. The Obama campaign is surely not hoping our enemies will attack, but if they were to, the crossing guard better run for cover as his party is no longer viewed as the stronger defender of our freedom. For now, however, Obama's crew in Chicago is undoubtedly planning a campaign that will focus on the sins of Wall Street and Romney's admission that he pays a lower tax rate than the school janitor, or the maids that clean his many houses, makes him vulnerable and it's not clear how he can kick that ball back at the other team.

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