Monday, January 2, 2012



A woman told ex-Senator Santorum at one of his campaign events that government shouldn't give the hungry money for food they can't pay back. She began her tirade by describing herself as an Evangelical Christian. Though I am not a Christian, my memory of Jesus' injunction to his followers to care for the those in need for “they are our brothers” is one I try to follow. But as I am not without sin, I can't cast the first stone at the awful woman, but she damned well deserves to be pelted with rocks.

During this seemingly endless season of political pomposity, I have not heard one of the self-proclaimed Christians running for the GOP nomination quote Mathew 29:24. It is there believers are told it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a Wall Street banker to get into heaven. (I've paraphrased the Bible a bit.) The Occupy protestors, on the other hand, are acting as Jesus did when he drove the moneychangers from the temple with a knotted rope.  Reading the words his disciples say Jesus spoke makes it painfully clear that today's arch conservatives are anti Christs.

And that makes me ask, Where are the other Christian ministers? I would like to hear what Catholic Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Episcopalian clergy would say to the woman who would let the hungry starve, to the those who cheered when told more people would die were Obamacare repealed, those who would condemn a woman to death rather than allow her doctor to terminate her pregnancy, and those who deny homosexuals the right to defend their country. Their silence is their shame.

The election of 2012 will not be decided on the basis of religious affiliation, of course, but if the GOP “preaches” the vile sermons of the anti Christs women, independents, gays, and truly moral Americans will vote for Democrats. Oh, and so will atheists and agnostics; the most rapidly growing “faith” in the country.

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