Wednesday, January 11, 2012



The Mitt may have some trouble in South Carolina but by the time the Florida vote's counted he is almost certain to be the Republican 2012 candidate, which means the race is on. And as James Carville said back in '92, “It's the economy stupid!” I'll wager the team in Chicago is now exploring every deal Bain Captial Ventures made from the day it was founded right through yesterday, and has a squad out hunting for every person who lost a job when Bain captured the company they worked for. Obama's campaign has no choice; it's going to be a 99% versus 1% battle right down to November 5. We have Romney, and the Occupy Movement to thank for that.

An African-American Harvard lawyer who turned his back on offers from powerful law firms to help organize the poor and powerless in Chicago running against a multibillionaire who is still reaping profits from a company that ravaged companies it bought is a never-before-in-history contest. It makes the '32 race of Hoover and FDR look like a choice between two members of the same frat for student of the year honors.

If, as most economists predict, the jobless rate drops another couple of points and the House continues to block aggressive efforts to pass Obama's jobs bills, the outcome looks safe for the President's reelection. Unless. . And there is a big “unless.” What is uncertain is how independents and “Reagan Democrats” are going to vote. Back in the days of the Robber Barons Americans understood that the 1% had gotten rich at the expense of the rest of the people, but today there still seems to be a persistent view among many that the filthy rich deserve every penny they're hording. To change that, the Obama campaign has to put a face on the 99% and the 1% too.

We're I working in the Chicago office I'd recommend having workers whom Romney fired do video stand-ups in front of some of Romney's houses. I'd also air some spots of the mansion The Mitt was living in in France while supposedly on a Mormon mission to save French souls. And how about a baby picture of Romney with a shiny silver spoon in his mouth. Yeah, I like that.

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